Our Mission is to fulfill the Great Commission of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:18-20) by engaging in evangelism, church planting, missionary work, and the promotion of charitable and educational activities.
Worship in Truth and Spirit
We focus on worshipping God in Spirit and in Truth ( John 4:24 ) through our services which are all conducted in English, Malayalam, and Hindi languages.
Sunday School
To help our youth spiritually grow, we have a specialized Sunday School curriculum and Kids’ Worship along with annual and monthly youth-based activities.
Our Ongoing Prayers & Meetings
Fasting prayer, Intercessory prayer, Cottage prayer, & Bible Study meetings conducted both in person and online.
Monthly Cottage Prayer
Saturdays: 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Cottage meetings may be conducted in-person or online via Google Meet. Dates & Times are flexible to change.